
Showing posts from July, 2011

Interview Questions - How To Be Prepared

  When you have to compete in an economy that is tough and with more skilled people than jobs you need more than just technical skills to get through an interview. That means you need to be prepared for every curved ball that the interviewer is going to throw at you as well as create an experience unique that he/she remembers.  First think of some personal stories that help the job. Stories are vitally important they are memorable. Good stories fit many molds, which means you can use your stories even if the interviewer asks a question that you aren't prepared to answer. Good stories help because there are often many lessons hidden within one story. The pieces that stick with the interviewer will make an impact on them even if we didn't plan it that way. Take some time to think through the past and develop some solid stories that shed light on your abilities, accomplishments, and values. With that in mind, here are seven difficult interview questions and a few tips on how to