
Showing posts from September, 2020

Collaboration and Conflict - Working with new teams

  We all have moved organizations and teams over our work life. Navigating as a leader in the new organization or department is extremely important to be a transformational leader to build passion, energy and teams that innovate continuously.   > Need to invest considerable time and emotional energy in the process to understand the current culture and setup > Need  a multi-level approach: focus on individual, team and organizational (i.e. culture, strategy) levels > Exercise influence without relying on formal hierarchy is a valuable skill > Team Behavior Analysis > Call out > Values and mapping the clashes > Interests and Perspectives > Collaboration can be enhanced by actively managing conflict > "How are you feeling at this point about the discussion?" > Team need to know you care and are aligned to help them grow and be successful to build followership   Most important as a leader is to create trust in the team that the new proposed changes